The Minnestar has an annual 1-day conference called Minnebar.
Minnestar has a Sessionizer app in which participants can add Minnebar sessions, and an algorithm provides a time slot and room for these sessions.
The collaborators prefer the Vagrant setup. My way is much faster. Using Docker instead of Vagrant means faster performance and not having to wait for a bootup process to finish.
Because I am not a collaborator, I contribute through my fork and with pull requests. In my fork, I do my development in my ruby_on_racetracks branch, which contains my Ruby on Racetracks elements. I use the "git cherry-pick" command for creating pull requests that provide the desired changes to the mainline code while keeping my Ruby on Racetracks elements out.
Please note that the "src" directory in the sessionizer app is the root directory of the Rails app.
Fresh Start
If you have not already done so, install Docker on your machine. More details are covered in the Different Docker Tutorial.
If you still have the jhsu802701 directory, delete it.
Enter the following commands in LXTerminal:
cdmkdir jhsu802701
cd jhsu802701
git clone docker-debian-stretch-usesh
When prompted for a port offset value, enter "13".
Enter the command "cd rvm-rails-sessionizer; sh" and follow the instructions.
It will take a few minutes to download the Docker image. When the process is finished, a Docker container will be created for you, and you will be automatically logged in.
Database Configuration
The config/database.yml file is different for the ruby_on_racetracks branch. In this branch, no username or password is specified. This allows the command "bundle exec rake app:make_believe" to work.
The configuration of the master branch requires that your OS username be "vagrant". If your OS username is anything else, the "bundle exec rake app:make_believe" command won't work, and you will be unable to seed the database.
Setting Up The App
In Docker, enter the following commands:
git clone sessionizer
git checkout ruby_on_racetracks
cd src
sh; sh
The script installs the gems, configures the PostgreSQL database, and runs the tests. This process takes just a few minutes. If all goes well, all of the tests will pass.
Viewing the App
In a few minutes, the build process will be finished, and you will see the Rails server running.
Because you chose a port offset value of 13, port 3000 in Docker is linked to port 3013 in your desktop Linux system. The ports.txt file in the shared directory lists the port assignments.
Open pgAdmin in your desktop Linux setup to view the data in the app.
Because you chose a port offset value of 13, port 5432 in Docker is linked to port 15445 in your desktop Linux system. The ports.txt file in the shared directory lists the port assignments.
In the upper left corner of the pgAdmin window, click on the plug icon to add a server.
Fill in the following server parameters:
Name: sessionizer
Host: localhost
Port: 15445
Username: postgres
In the Object browser, go to Server Groups -> Servers -> sessionizer -> Databases -> sessionizer_development -> schemas -> public - Tables. Right-click on the desired object and go to View Data -> View All Rows. You can now see the data.